Isten veled LA mod? Augusztus 6-án egy meglepő és egyben szomorú bejelentésre került sor az fórumán. E szerint Hoppah, a Los Angeles mod készítője felhagy a sokak által kedvelt kiegészítő fejlesztésével az Emergency 4 című játékhoz . Valószínű, hogy majd csak az új Emergency rész megjelenése után fog csak visszatérni a módkészítéshez. Elmondása szerint leveszi a kezét az LA mod-ról, ami azt jelenti, hogy a szerzői jogokat betartva, bárki szabadon felhasználhatja az általa készített mod elemeit. Íme a fent említett fórumon tett bejegyzés: "I have some very bad and good news. The bad news I am going to stop modding for the time being. The main reason is that I lack the motivation to continue the Los Angeles Mod at this time. I don't know I'm going to stop permanantly. That depends on what Emergency 2012 is going to offer. Anyway, some background information: I started creating the Los Angeles mod for Emergency 3 back in 2005. That mod quickly grew out to one of the most popular mods for this game. As soon Emergency 4 was released I abondoned the Los Angeles mod for Emergency 3 and started to make the same Los Angeles mod for Emergency 4. The very first version of that mod was released on August 26, 2006. The Los Angeles mod for Emergency 4 became even more popular, with a huge fanbase and 100.000s of downloads. I am NOT going to leave the forums. I will remain active here and see what I can do to help people regarding modding and support the moderator-team. The good news Because I honestly don't really care about my creations anywmore, people are allowed to take, change and release whatever they want from the Los Angeles Mod. Just make sure you don't just take models made by other people than me. And remember: this doesn't mean you can steal my or other peoples models! When you take something, make sure to check who made it. Get permission from the original authors if necessary. Hereby, you only have my permission to take my models. Consult the last page of the Los Angeles Mod manual for a full list of authors of other models. The only other thing I ask from you need is to mention my nickname when you take something. For example: 'Original model by Hoppah'. Hopefully, this will keep the forums more active and will motivate people to start a new mod. Read the Copright topic for more and detailed information. I want to thank all the people who contributed to the mod and all the fans who loved playing the Los Angeles mod. Hoppah" Felmerült a lehetőség, hogy majd egy (valószínűleg új) modder team fogja fojtatni a fejlesztéseket. Bővebb információkért látogassatok el ide: emergency-planet forum A legjobb, amit tehetünk, hogy várjuk a fejleményeket.